Used 2012 Mazda Mazda5 Values

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The Mazda5's sliding side doors might lead some to dismiss it as a minivan, but they shouldn't; there's nothing else on the market quite like this unique vehicle, which combines some of the attributes of a minivan (but smaller) and a crossover utility vehicle (but lower). The Mazda5 has excellent passenger design: It takes up about the same parking footprint as a compact sedan, but it has comfortable seating for six. Mazda says that even with all six seats up in place, there's enough cargo space for a standard baby stroller. Also, the sliding doors are easy to operate and are easier to manage when in tight parking spaces. Furthermore, this model is already known for its entertaining driving character, and with a little more power and steering and suspension tuned even more for handling, the Mazda5 is one family choice for those who like the twisties.